Dracula lemurella

Dracula lemurella

Regular price €430.00 Sale

Coloured pencil and ink on the "Gallery Weekend Berlin 2015"  participant gallery press releases. 2017. 21 x 29,7 cms. Signed. €430.00  plus shipping.

The series “From the red book of birds from Colombia (Endangered, vulnerable and threatened species)”, published by The Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, consists of colour pencil drawings made on 46 press releases collected from the galleries participating in the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2015. These drawings deal with the fragility of the ecosystems that are lived in art fairs and art events as well as in nature; to exist and survive in their environment they require a series of conditions that allow their flourishing and conservation, on the one hand the acquisition of works, on the other, a regulated environment. As a historical document it shows some galleries that have ceased to exist and plants that will stop doing so, it is not an apocalyptic vision but an illustrative one, it is a series that although is finished, continues its transformation.